Señor: Le ruego nos permita sintetizar el Informe sobre Sir, Please allow us to synthesize Report para aquellos hermanos suyos que juzguen farragosa la precedente explicación sobre la PSIQUE COLECTIVA. for those they consider their brothers the previous cumbersome explanation of the collective psyche.
El Universo real está compuesto por una familia de pares de Cosmos . The real universe is composed of a family of pairs of Cosmos. En cada pareja de UNIVERSO-ANTIUNIVERSO predomina un tipo de masa +M y -M (los signos son convencionales). In each pair of ANTIUNIVERSO UNIVERSE-body type predominates + M and-M (the signs are conventional). Además cada pareja se caracteriza por la velocidad que alcanza en el vacío, un quantum o fotón de energía electromagnética. Moreover, each pair is characterized by the speed attained in a vacuum, a photon or quantum of electromagnetic energy.
Nosotros llamamos WAAM-WAAM a este haz de Universos . WAAM-WAAM We call this bundle of universes. Sospechamos que existen realmente infinitas parejas de Cosmos. We suspect that there are truly endless pairs of Cosmos. (Nosotros conocemos realmente unos pocos). (We actually know a few). Parte de ellos accesibles en nuestros viajes entre dos puntos de nuestra Galaxia. Some of them accessible in our travels between two points in our Galaxy.
Sabemos que los distintos Universos se interaccionan entre sí . We know that different universes are interacting. Las singularidades de cada uno (masas The singularities of each (masses concentradas) influencian a los Universos adyacentes (sin masa concentrated) influence the adjacent Universes (massless
). ).
Cuatro de esos Universos nos interesan especialmente a ustedes ya nosotros, es decir, a OYAGAA (Tierra) y OYAUMMO (Astro frío UMMO). Four of those universes we are concerned especially for you and us, that is, OYAGAA (Earth) and OYAUMMO (Astro Ummo cold).
En primer lugar nuestro propio anti-Cosmos. Firstly our own anti-Cosmos. En él predomina lo que ustedes llaman Antimateria (Masa ≈ -M ). It dominates what you call Antimatter (mass ≈-M). También en él se manifiestan pequeñas cantidades de +M . Also it reflects small amounts of M +.
Nuestro Cosmos gemelo nos provoca perturbaciones que se traducen en plegamientos en nuestro “continuo” espacio-tiempo . Our Cosmos twin shocks causes us resulting in folds in our "continuous" space-time. Son esos plegamientos lo que nos permite realizar viajes entre OYAA (Astros planetarios no calientes) en menos tiempo que se tardaría siguiendo una trayectoria fotónica. These folds are allowing us to travel between OYAA (not hot planetary Astros) in less time it would take along a photon trajectory.
Las perturbaciones entre Cosmos son producidas porque en uno de ellos se manifiesta un tipo de masa que ustedes matemáticamente calificarían de IMAGINARIA (en otro marco de haz tridimensional). Perturbations between Cosmos are produced because one of them manifests a body type that you qualify mathematically imaginary (in another frame of three-dimensional beam). Esta Masa Imaginaria tiene como velocidad en “reposo” (Máxima energía) la velocidad de un paquete de energía electromagnética (fotón) This imaginary mass velocity is "resting" (High energy) speed of a packet of electromagnetic energy (photon)
La existencia de esta masa permite interacción o acción mutua entre Universos aun que la citada Masa Imaginaria The existence of this mass action allows mutual interaction between universes or even that that imaginary mass sólo se localice en un miembro de la pareja . only find in a partner. La interacción no sería posible si la materia estuviera distribuida isotrópicamente (uniformemente), lo que evidentemente no acontece. The interaction would not be possible if the matter were distributed isotropically (uniformly), which obviously does not happen. (Salvo en el instante inicial del Cosmos). (Except in the initial moment of the Cosmos).
Existen infinitos pares de Universos , (muchos de ellos en fase terminal) con una masa subcrítica. There are infinite pairs of universes, (many of them terminally ill) with a subcritical mass.
Estos Universos (como los restantes) nacieron con un radio infinito y distribución de masa isótropa (cristal cósmico) y densidad nula. These universes (like the others) were born with an infinite radius and mass distribution isotropic (cosmic glass) and zero density. El radio fue reduciéndose ( la dirección o sentido del Tiempo era negativa (respecto al actual)). Pero la perturbación de los Cosmos adyacentes, hizo que se produjeran Singularidades de masa (es decir: primero Nébulas de gas y polvo, luego Galaxias), dejando de ser isótropas o cristales cósmicos. The radio was declining (the direction or sense of time was negative (relative to current)). But the disruption of adjacent Cosmos, led to mass produce singularities (ie first nebula of gas and dust, then galaxies), or ceasing to be isotropic cosmic crystals. (Llamamos cristal cósmico a un Universo cuya densidad de masa es constante en cualquier punto, y presenta las mismas propiedades en cualquier eje o dirección ). (We call a crystal cosmic universe whose mass density is constant at any point, and has the same properties in any axis or direction).
En una primera fase de esos Universos ( tiempo negativo ), la entropía disminuye (era inicialmente Infinita), la densidad crece. In a first phase of these Universes (negative time), the entropy decreases (it was initially infinite), the density grows. Sus habitantes observarían en sus instrumentos espectroscópicos un desplazamiento hacia el violeta (color que por cierto, percibirían de otra forma). Las Galaxias se precipitarían unas sobre otras . The inhabitants in their spectroscopic instruments observe a shift towards the violet (color certainly perceive otherwise.) Precipitate galaxies on one another. La muerte de ese Cosmos. The death of the Cosmos. (En ellos podemos hablar de tres muertes: la fase de infinitud del Radio , que se extendió en un Tiempo infinito): (luego no puede hablarse de nacimiento como una pareja de IBOZSOO UUHU) (INSTANTE)). (In them we can speak of three deaths: the infinity of the radio phase, which extended into an infinite time): (after birth can not talk like a couple of IBOZSOO UUHU) (MOMENT)).
Decimos que la segunda muerte sobreviene cuando el radio llega a ser Nulo . We say that the second death occurs when the radius becomes Null. La masa sigue siendo constante, la densidad infinita e inestable, The mass remains constant, infinite density and unstable
Al llegar a ese instante, todo el Universo está reducido a una red de IBOZSOO UHU orientada, todos sus componentes, en un ángulo nulo (radio cero), que a nosotros “de poder percibirlo”, nos parecería un punto con densidad de Masa Infinita. At that moment, the whole universe is reduced to a network geared IBOZSOO UHU, all its components in a zero angle (zero radius), which we "being visible", would seem a point with infinite mass density . (Esto lo han comprendido bien los cosmólogos hermanos de la Tierra, y es totalmente cierto). (This is what cosmologists have misunderstood brethren of the Earth, and is completely true).
Lo que no es cierto, es que dicho “Cosmión” o Universo primigenio sea inestable y por ello explosione . What is certain is that this "Cosmión or early universe is unstable and thus exploded. Si no existieran Universos adyacentes, y no hubiera más que dos tipos de masa (y no cuatro) que perturbaran a esta hipermasa desequilibrándola, éste sería el final del Cosmos descrito. If there were no adjacent universes, and there were only two types of mass (and not four) hipermasa to disturb this balance, this would be the end of the Cosmos described. Sobreviene luego una expansión acelerada por la aportación energética inicial de esa perturbación ( que es inversamente proporcional al radio ). Accelerated expansion comes after the initial energy input of the disturbance (which is inversely proportional to the radius).
Si consideramos S y Q constantes que dependen del sistema de unidades empleadas (los valores de S y Q son respectivamente: la primera: función de la velocidad del fotón en el vacío para ese Universo y por tanto relacionado con la masa. Q es una constante del WAAM-WAAM ). If we consider S and Q constants dependent on the system of units used (values of S and Q are respectively the first, depending on the speed of the photon in a vacuum for the Universe and therefore related to the mass. Q is a constant the WAAM-WAAM).
M es la masa global del Cosmos considerado. R es el Radio del Universo espacio temporal ( R ha de considerarse no linealmente, sino como radio en una hiperesfera). M is the bulk of the Cosmos considered. R is the radius of the Universe time-space (R should be seen not linearly, but as a hypersphere radius).
(-) E es la energía aportada al Universo en su etapa inicial. (-) E is the energy contributed to the universe in its infancy. La fórmula sufre una desviación y deja de ser exacta para Radios mayores , es decir, en una etapa de expansión avanzada: The formula deflects and ceases to be accurate for older radios, ie an advanced stage of expansion:
E representa la energía aportada en cada instante. E represents the energy supplied at each instant. La energía total se obtendría integrando entre R = 0 y R: a los 0,680 UIWW. The total energy is obtained by integrating from R = 0 and R: 0.680 to UIWW. (El UIWW representa la unidad de tiempo antiguamente considerada en OYAAUMMO). (The UIWW represents the time unit formerly considered in OYAAUMMO).
equivale a unos 185,5 segundos de Tierra. equivalent to about 185.5 seconds to Earth.
(Por encima de ese valor del Tiempo del Universo, casi un “instante” después de la explosión, la función citada sufre una gran corrección ). (Above that value the Universe of Time, almost an "instant" after the explosion, the above function suffers a major correction).
En el Universo de masa subcrítica, su Radio sigue incrementándose. In the universe of subcritical mass, its radius is increasing.
(En realidad se trata de un hiperespacio de doble Radio de curvatura, Hiperesfera (-) ). (Actually this is a hyperspace double curvature radius, hypersphere (-)).
Su tercera “muerte” es un hiperespacio “cristal” isótropo de densidad nula . His third "death" is a hyperspace "glass" density isotropic zero. En ambas fases de Tiempo (entropía decreciente primero y entropía creciente después, que finaliza con entropía infinita), ese Universo ha contenido Galaxias y “células” neguentrópicas. In both phases of time (decreasing entropy increasing entropy first and then ending with infinite entropy), this content Galaxies and the Universe has "cells" negentropy. Humanidades inteligentes y OYAA con especies biológicas no inteligentes. OYAA intelligent human with non-intelligent biological species. (Cuando nos referimos a estas especies, damos a entender NO HUMANAS, pues el término INTELIGENTE tiene este sentido en este contexto). (When referring to these species, we mean NOT HUMAN, INTELLIGENT since the term has this meaning in this context).
¿Que ocurre con los Universos de masa supracrítica? What happens to the mass supracrítica universes? Su evolución Its evolution es muy diferente. Su concentración de Masa en un punto, evoluciona después con densidad decreciente al principio y Radio creciente, que nunca llega a ser infinito como en los otros Universos, sino que alcanza un valor máximo hasta que se invierte el signo. is very different. Its concentration of mass at one point, with decreasing density evolves after the beginning and growing Radio, which never becomes infinite as in the other universes, but reaches a maximum value until the sign is reversed. Comienza a decrecer la entropía, aumenta la densidad media, hasta colapsar en un punto de densidad infinita. Entropy starts to decrease, increases the average density, to collapse into a point of infinite density.
Puede aplicarse a estos WAAM las consideraciones del WAAM descrito en párrafo precedente. También en estos WAAM la explosión es debida a aporte de energía , cuya función es idéntica. You can apply these WAAM WAAM considerations described in the preceding paragraph. Even in such WAAM is due to the explosion of energy, whose function is identical. Y por supuesto también en ellos aparecen Galaxias y OYAA con redes biológicas. And of course they also appear OYAA Galaxies and biological networks. Nosotros hemos conocido cuatro, de estas características. We have seen four of these characteristics.
Nuestro Anticosmos nos es bien conocido. Está formado por Masa de Antimateria . Our anticosmism we are well known. It consists of mass of antimatter. Si nuestros UEWUA (Naves) no invirtieran sus IBOZSOO UHU en sentido de (-M), al impactar con cualquier cantidad de gas o polvo cósmico, podría desintegrarse liberándose una ingente cantidad de energía. If our UEWUA (Ships) not to invest in their sense of IBOZSOO UHU (-M), on impact with any amount of cosmic dust or gas, could disintegrate released a huge amount of energy.
La interacción entre nuestros dos Cosmos es muy grande, observándose grandes pliegues en ambos Universos en su haz tetradimensional, debido a esta causa mutua. The interaction between our two Cosmos is very large, with wide pleats in both universes in four-dimensional beam due to this cause each other.
Nosotros no podemos percibir con nuestros instrumentos la Masa Imaginaria , que es de dos tipos: We can not perceive with our instruments the imaginary mass, which is of two types:
Sólo detectamos una radiación secundaria producida por pares de IBOZSOO UHU que conforman esta clase de Masa. Only detect a secondary radiation produced by UHU IBOZSOO pairs that make up this kind of mass. Radiación o energía que ustedes podrían comparar con el estampido de una nave aérea (avión) de OYAAGAA (TIERRA), cuando alcanza valores superiores a un Mach (Supersonido). Radiation or energy that you could compare with the roar of an aircraft (plane) of OYAAGAA (EARTH), when it reaches higher values at a Mach (supersonic).
Sin la existencia de tales tipos de Masa Imaginaria Without the existence of such kind of imaginary mass , los Universos del WAAM-WAAM existirían, pero serían isótropos; de Radio nulo y densidad infinita . The Universe of WAAM-WAAM exist, but would be isotropic, of infinite density and zero radius. El WAAM-WAAM se reduciría a una familia de “hiperátomos” supradensos y puntuales, pues no seria posible h interacción mutua. The WAAM-WAAM be reduced to a family of "hiperátomos" supradensos and timely, since h would not be possible mutual interaction.
WOA no sería “inteligente” gestando un simple “cristal”. WOA not be "intelligent" brewing a simple "crystal". La información sería nula en todo el WAAM-WAAM . The information would be void in whole-WAAM WAAM. Carece de sentido hablar de una concepción tan aberrada. Is meaningless to speak of a concept as aberrant.
Existen dentro del conjunto de WAAM (Universo multiplanar), dos Universos “limite” que sin embargo son “adyacentes” , (entendiendo como adyacentes, no el sentido geométrico habitual que ustedes conceden a esta voz). “ADYACENTE” significaría = INTERACCIÓN MÁXIMA . There in the set of WAAM (multiplanar Universe), two universes "limit" which nevertheless are "adjacent" (defined as adjacent, not the usual geometric sense you attach to this voice). "Adjacent" mean = MAXIMUM INTERACTION. Son estos: que describirnos a continuación: El WAAM These are: to describe below: The WAAM , y el WAAM , And WAAM
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El WAAM The WAAM (Dentro de la familia de Universos existentes), es una red de IBOZSOO UHU que carece de singularidades o plegamientos. (Within the family of existing universes) is a network of UHU IBOZSOO that no singularity or folds.
No existe pues posibilidad de ser interaccionado por flujo de “energía” alguno. There is therefore no possibility of interaction flow of "energy" one. Es un Universo cuyo radio es constante (no sufre expansiones o compresiones ). It is a Universe whose radius is constant (does not undergo expansions or compressions). Carece de sentido hablar en él de polvo cósmico, gases, átomos o partículas subatómicas. Is meaningless to speak in his cosmic dust, gases, atoms or subatomic particles. No existen Galaxias ni astros planetarios, ni soles por tanto. There are no galaxies or stars, planets, suns or so. Si medimos su masa global , encontramos con sorpresa que es nula (esa es la razón de la imposibilidad de que le sea aportada energía). No existen fotones en ella ni quantum de otros tipos de campo , que es lo mismo que decir que la existencia de campos carece de sentido . If we measure the global mass, we find with surprise that is zero (that is why it is impossible for energy to be provided). There are no photons in it or other types of quantum field, which is the same as saying that the existence fields is meaningless. O dicho de otro modo, la velocidad de un quantum de luz seria nula (si existieran fotones). Or put another way, the speed of a quantum of light would be null (if any photons).
Pudiera parecer que estamos describiendo el concepto de “nada”. It might seem that we are describing the concept of "nothing." Para un físico de For a physicist
OYAAGAA, tal Universo carecería de sentido, sinónimo de lo QUE - NO - ES . OYAAGAA such meaningless universe, a synonym for what - NO - ES.
Pero en realidad “WAAM But in reality 'WAAM “ EXISTE. "THERE. Su radio es constante , pero su tiempo está, “congelado” (no tendría sentido decir que el tiempo fluye, pues la entropía referida a distribución de masas y energía es infinita ya la vez carece de sentido expresar su valor). Its radius is constant, but their time is "frozen" (no sense in saying that time flows, referred to as the entropy distribution of mass and energy is infinite and time is meaningless to express its value).
Sin embargo (aunque parece paradójico), su Red de IBOZSOO UHU es capaz de ENGRAMAR INFORMACIÓN However (although it seems paradoxical), its network is capable of IBOZSOO ENGRAMS UHU INFORMATION
Si tuviéramos que representar con fines didácticos, diríamos a los niños que WAAM se asemeja a una “esponja”. If we had to represent for teaching purposes, we would say to children who WAAM is like a "sponge". A un conglomerado alveolar de espuma de poliuretano expandido, con quintillones de células. A conglomerate alveolar expanded polyurethane foam, with quintillion cells. O a un panal con multitud de celdas. Or a multitude of honeycomb cells. Lo más sorprendente es que cada una de esas células (redes puras de IBOZSOO UHU) es una PSIQUE, UN ALMA, como dirían ustedes. Most striking is that each of these cells (UHU IBOZSOO pure networks) is a PSYCHE, A SOUL, as you say. (Nosotros las representamos con el símbolo (We represent them with the symbol ). ).
Cada Each establece una correspondencia biunívoca con una red de IBOZSOO UHUU situada en cualquier punto del WAAM-WAAM (exceptuando los dos Universos limites) que tienen esta característica que vamos a citar: establishing a correspondence with a network of IBOZSOO UHUU located anywhere in the WAAM-WAAM (except the two universes limits) that have this feature which we quote:
Red de partículas materiales capaz de enriquecer su información interna a nivel bioquímico, a expensas de la información exterior . (Ser viviente) llamado por nosotros AIUUBAHAYII. Network of material particles capable of enriching their internal information at the biochemical level, at the expense of external information. (Living being) called by us AIUUBAHAYII.
Esto no implica necesariamente que un ser inferior pueda ponerse en contacto directo con su This does not necessarily mean that a bottom may be direct contact with their . Existe un umbral de complejidad, por debajo del cual su vínculo con . There is a complexity threshold, below which the link with
es inexistente . is nonexistent. En esta fase la psique está virgen de información. At this stage the information is virgin psyche.
( Es una red FILAMENTOSA de IU cuyos elementos presentan un ángulo constante ) ( información nula ). (It is an IU network filaments whose elements have a constant angle) (no information).
Cuando un ser biológico supera este umbral, aparece una red de átomos de Kriptón que le pone en contacto con ese WAAM When a biological exceeds this threshold, there is a network of krypton atoms that connects you with that WAAM . . En concreto con su propia Specifically with its own
y comienza a remitirle información. and begins to transmit information. Desde ese momento el rector principal de la conducta de ese ser: ( HOMINIDO) OEMMI, es la propia Since then the main governing the conduct of that be (hominid) OEMMI is the very
. .
Definimos una AIUUBAHAYII como una red de lbozsoo Uhu, capaz de auto reproducirse y de enriquecer su información interna a nivel bioquímico ya expensas de la información exterior . We define a network as a AIUUBAHAYII Uhu lbozsoo, able to self-replicate and enhance their internal information at the biochemical level and at the expense of external information. Esa es nuestra definición de ORGANISMO VIVIENTE . That is our definition of living organisms.
El AIUUBAHAYII (ser vivo) se caracteriza porque su entropía es negativa (neguentropía, como dicen ustedes). The AIUUBAHAYII (living being) is characterized by its negative entropy (negentropy, as you say). Incrementa el nivel interno de información, extrayéndolo mediante flujos aferentes de datos, procedentes de un medio externo. Increases internal information flows through afferent extracting data from an external environment. (El propio WAAM (Universo)) (The very WAAM (Universe))
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Normalmente los AIUUBAHAYII ( A. ) u organismos vivientes, se implantan en Astros fríos, es decir, en planetas o estrellas frías cuya temperatura superficial son lo suficientemente bajas para mantener el agua en fase líquida (o solidificada) a t >250º Normally AIUUBAHAYII (A.) or living organisms, are implanted in Astros cold, ie cold planets or stars whose surface temperatures are low enough to keep water in liquid phase (or solidified) at t> 250 °
Kelvin o, t < 116º Centígrados. Kelvin or t <116 ° Celsius. Según presión atmosférica. According to atmospheric pressure.
En estas condiciones, sin llegar a los extremos límite citados, se encuentran OYAUMMO y OYAAGAA (TIERRA). Under these conditions, without reaching the extreme limit mentioned, are OYAUMMO and OYAAGAA (GND).
Cuando el OYAA mantiene temperaturas “medias” extremas como las citadas antes, el desarrollo de los seres vivos es embrionario y no son capaces de evolucionar hacia OEMMII (humanos). When the temperature remains OYAA "average" extreme as those before, development of living beings is embryonic and not capable of evolving into OEMMII (humans). Se trata de seres poco complejos, capaces de enfriar su medio interno a expensas de energía bioquímica, de modo que en su seno el agua permanezca en fase liquida (Astros calientes) o aportar energía térmica cuando el medio es demasiado frío, para conseguir la ansiada fase liquida. It is less complex beings, capable of cooling it internally at the expense of biochemical energy, so that within it the water remains in liquid phase (hot Astros) or provide heat when the environment is too cold to achieve the desired liquid phase.
Aunque, en algunos UNIVERSOS hemos detectado formas parecidas a las vivientes con neguentropía, y cierta capacidad de Replicación, no basados en estructuras carbonadas (con elemento central Germanio y Silicio ). Although, in some universities have found ways similar to those living with negentropy, and some capacity for replication, structure-based non-carbonated (central element Germanium and Silicon).
Los verdaderos A. (organismos vivos) fundamentan su estructura bioquímica en compuestos carbonados hidrogenados . A. True (living organisms) based on their biochemical structure hydrogenated carbon compounds. Son raros los seres aparentemente vivientes con composición fluorurocarbonada y clorurocarbonada , e incapaces de evolucionar hacia formas complejas. There are few people apparently living with fluorurocarbonada and clorurocarbonada composition, and unable to evolve into complex forms.
En todos los WAAM , las leyes biológicas se repiten, La base de información molecular se fundamenta en todos ellos en secuencias de nucleótidos y aminoácidos . In all WAAM, biological laws are repeated, the molecular basis of information is based on all sequences of nucleotides and amino acids. Ese es un fenómeno universal . That is a universal phenomenon. No lo es en cambio, el código genético, es decir, la forma en que ácidos nucleicos son capaces de replicarse en secuencias polipeptídicas (secuencias de aminoácidos). It is not however, the genetic code, ie the way in which nucleic acids are able to replicate in polypeptide sequences (sequences of amino acids).
Tampoco es universal el tipo de orientación de cadenas helicoidales (helicoidales y otras formas estéreo carbonadas - isómeros) proteínicas . Nor is it universal by targeting type of helical chains (helical and other carbonated stereo - isomers) protein. En ciertas Redes biológicas planetarias, predominan formas dextrógiras y en otras, levógiras. In some planetary biological networks, predominantly right-handed forms and other left-handed.
Normalmente la evolución de los seres vivos, experimenta en un Astro frío, un proceso de multiplicación de Filum o especies distintas , cuya red es arborescente: Normally the evolution of living beings, he experiences a cold Astro, a process of multiplying Filum or different species, whose network is arborescent:
Los primeros especimenes, es decir los A . The first specimen, ie A. más simples, son muy parecidos en cualquier Planeta. simple, are very similar on any planet. Así un viroide o un virus encapsulado en red proteica, es poco diferente en OYAUMMO, de otro similar de OYAAGAA. Thus, a viroid or virus encapsulated protein network, OYAUMMO is little different from other similar OYAAGAA. Cadenas de ARN o ADN codifican caracteres que servirán para la replicación del espécimen. RNA or DNA chains encoded characters to be used for replication of the specimen.
En principio, una serie de agentes (a veces bioquímicos, a veces energéticos, radiaciones: por ejemplo) pueden modificar el mensaje codificado. In principle, a number of actors (sometimes biochemical, sometimes energy radiation, for example) can change the coded message. Ustedes conocen a este fenómeno como mutación. You know this phenomenon as a mutation.
La replicación de proteínas supone una configuración (A. = ORGANISMO VIVIENTE) con una estructura espaciotemporal que le permite enfrentarse al medio físico. Replication protein is a configuration (A = living organisms) with a spatial structure that allows her to handle the physical environment.
Pero el ambiente es hostil. La red de “Ibozsoo uhu” externa le aporta datos (información) que le permite enriquecer (si tiene suficiente complejidad) su información interna , pero ese entorno le agrede, le es extraño, tiende a destruirlo si carece de suficientes defensas , Es lo que ustedes llaman AGRESION DEL MEDIO . But the environment is hostile.'s Network "uhu Ibozsoo" brings external data (information) that enables a richer (if you have enough complexity) its internal data, but assaulted him such an environment, it is strange, it tends to destroy it lacks adequate defense, is what you call ENVIRONMENTAL ASSAULT. Si A. no está preparado, perece. If A. is not ready, perishes. Si su estructura fisiológica es resistente, sobrevive. If your physiological structure is resilient, survives. (A esto lo llaman ustedes SELECCION DEL MEDIO). (They call you choice of medium).
Si en los SAAXADOO (cadenas nucleicas) no se dieran mutaciones porque, como ocurre en ciertos Astros fríos, el encapsulamiento metálico y la protección bioquímica es muy resistente, la especie se perpetúa millones de años , pero no se produce evolución . If the SAAXADOO (nucleotide chains) does not give mutations because, as in certain Astros cold metal encapsulation and protection chemistry is very strong, the kind perpetuated million years, but there is no evolution. Las especies inferiores se “congelan” y jamás se convertirán en OEMMII . The lower species are "frozen" and never become OEMMII.
Cada cadena secuencial de nucleótidos capaz de replicar una proteína, recibe el nombre en nuestra fonética, de IGOHOAA (Gen). Each chain nucleotide sequence able to replicate a protein, called in our phonetics of IGOHOAA (Gen).
Hasta aquí, tales leyes son conocidas perfectamente por sus hermanos genetistas y nosotros confirmamos su vigencia en otros OYAA (Astros) . So far, such laws are known well by his brothers geneticists and we confirm its validity in other OYAA (Astros).
BAAIODUHU es una Red de átomos de Kriptón . BAAIODUHU is a Network of krypton atoms. Su función y proceso de captación de información es análoga a OEMBUUAWU ( O. ). Their role and information gathering process is analogous to OEMBUUAWU (O.). Se trata de átomos de un gas muy estable, cuya corteza electrónica no se comporta como las de otros átomos del sistema de elementos químicos. These gas atoms very stable, as electronic crust does not behave like those of other atoms in the system of chemical elements. (Es decir, rigiéndose por patrones cuánticos de azar). (That is, governed by quantum random patterns).
Nosotros damos a BAAIODUHU ( BI ) una interpretación o concepción mucho más compleja que la de una simple nube de Kriptón. We give BAAIODUHU (BI) an interpretation or design much more complex than a simple cloud of Krypton.
BAAIODUHU ( BI ) es capaz de recoger información del WAAM, es decir del entorno físico . BAAIODUHU (BI) is able to gather information WAAM, ie the physical environment. Esos dados son contrastados con la información contenida en el genoma , y en función de la “necesidad” que tenga el organismo; o bien le protege de una acción mutagenética (quantum de radiación, protón rápido, ion destructor, neutrón, etc.), o bien provoca él mismo una mutación controlada . These dice are contrasted with the information contained in the genome, and according to the "need" to have the body or else protects you mutagenética action (quantum of radiation, fast proton, ion destroyer, neutron, etc..) or a mutation causes controlled himself.
¿Como ejerce BI su función? How BI exerts its function?
Una microfísica red de átomos de Kriptón actúa como válvula o canal de información que pone en relación el organismo con el WAAM A micro-network of krypton atoms acts as a valve or information channel that links the body with WAAM , del que luego hablaremos. , Which then talk. Ese WAAM codifica toda la información obtenida por los seres vivientes. That WAAM encrypts all information obtained by the living. Es lo que denominamos PSIQUE COLECTIVA . We call this collective psyche. (Ustedes la llamarían “Inconsciente Colectivo”). (You would call "Collective Unconscious"). Pero la Psique Colectiva , como veremos después en párrafos posteriores, es una matriz de patrones de formas y conductas . But the collective psyche, as we shall see in subsequent paragraphs, is an array of shapes and patterns of behavior. Ella modula toda la estructura de las redes de seres vivientes: AIUUBAAYI. She modulates whole structure of living networks: AIUUBAAYI.
WAAM WAAM , al que podríamos denominar en idioma español UNIVERSO DE LAS FORMAS, rige los patrones de la Civilización en la cadena arborescente de Philum (ramas o especies) de seres vivos. , Which might call Spanish-language universe of forms, governing patterns of Civilization in the chain of Philum tree (branches or species) of living beings.
Ochenta y seis átomos de Kriptón son capaces de decodificar todas las formas posibles y viables de seres vivientes . Eighty-six krypton atoms are able to decode all possible and feasible ways of living beings. (Entiéndase siempre, que no toda esa información está realmente integrada en la nube kriptónica, sino que esta recoge de (Defined as always, not all this information is actually embedded in the cloud krypton, but this collection of el patrón que necesita cada cromosoma (secuencia de nucleótidos capaz de replicar varias proteínas)). the standard required by each chromosome (a sequence of nucleotides capable of replicating several proteins)). Los patrones no son infinitos. The patterns are not infinite. BB BB
engrama sólo aquellos que son posibles dentro del ambiente planetario, cuyas características: engram only those that are possible within the planetary atmosphere, the characteristics:
Masa Planeta frío Metro Mass cold
Campo magnético Magnetic field
Intervalo de temperaturas Temperature range
Composición de su atmósfera Composition of its atmosphere
Fuente de elementos químicos (ambiente geológico) Source of chemical elements (geological environment)
Presencia suficiente de agua Presence of sufficient water
Nivel de radiación de la Estrella principal Radiation level of the primary star
Nivel de radiación geológica Radiation level geological
Frecuencia de impactos extraplanetarios (aerolitos) Frequency of extra-planetary impacts (meteorites)
Niveles de ionización atmosférica Levels of atmospheric ionization
hacen posibles diversos patrones de estructura biológica . make possible different patterns of biological structure. Sólo unos pocos billones de formas son posibles en cada ambiente de OYAA . Only a few billions of forms are possible in every environment OYAA.
Normalmente un nudo de Filum (arborescencia) puede dar lugar a unos doscientos veinte mil (como media) nuevas formas o Philum tras una mutación dirigida, o sea: controlada (En algunos nudos se han detectado 18.376.000 (aproximadamente), posibilidades de mutación tolerada por Usually a knot Filum (arborescence) can lead to two hundred twenty thousand (average) after Philum new forms or directed mutation, or control (in some knots have been detected 18,376,000 (approximately), chances of mutation tolerated by ). ).
Si pese al control de BI : es decir, a pesar de la protección proteínica que ejerce sobre la cadena de ADN, un neutrón por ejemplo, provoca una mutación PROHIBIDA, ese organismo perecerá indefectiblemente y su thanatosis -muerte- la provocará BI Cada salto de un electrón en el interior de una subcapa orbital representa: (o sea: codifica) un posible Philum. If despite the control of BI: ie, despite the protection protein which exerts on the DNA strand, a neutron for example, causes a mutation PROHIBITED, that agency and inevitably perish Thanatosis-cause death-BI Each jump an electron inside a subshell orbital represents (or encodes) a possible Philum. Otros átomos de Kriptón decodifican la estructura anatómica de esa especie. Other krypton atoms decode the anatomical structure of that species.
BI (es decir: la nube de Kriptón y el BI (ie: the cloud of krypton and ) integran toda la filogenia posible en un OYAA . ) Integrate all the possible phylogeny in a OYAA. (Podemos extenderlo a todo WAAM-WAAM diciendo que BI de cada ser vivo en el Cosmos multiuniverso, encierra -gracias a su BI - todas las posibilidades de vida orgánica fundamentada en el Carbono como átomo vertebral de los AIUUBAAYII). (We can extend it to all WAAM-BI WAAM saying every living being in the multiverse Cosmos, with its enclosed-BI - all organic life chances based on the carbon atom as vertebral AIUUBAAYII).
¿Podemos estudiar la filogenia posible en los distintos OYAA (Astros fríos) del WAAMWAAM? Can we study the possible phylogeny in different OYAA (Astros cold) of WAAMWAAM? No, evidentemente. Obviously not. Los posibles seres vivos, es posible que se cuenten por trillones cuatrillones (nosotros hemos calculado que el WAAM Any living beings may be counted per trillion quadrillion (we calculated the WAAM podría codificar hasta 5,2 x 10 18 patrones, pero la inexactitud del cálculo hace sospechar que pudieran ser bastantes más). could encode up to 5.2 x 10 18 patterns, but the inaccuracy of the calculation to suspect that might be considerably more). De estos patrones primarios pueden derivarse miles de millones Of these primary standards can be derived billions
, (individuos o ejemplares) más, de modo que el orden de magnitud para todo el WAAM-WAAM alcanzaría una cifra de posibles ejemplares diferentes de 10 526 . (Individuals or individuals) more, so that the order of magnitude for all WAAM-WAAM possible reach a figure of 10 526 different specimens. (Orden de magnitud), que teniendo en cuenta, las limitadas especifidades de los distintos OYAA, así como la restricción de la cadena del genoma de cada especie, reduce sensiblemente el número de especies vivas que pudiéramos encontrar en nuestros más lejanos viajes extragalácticos y extracósmicos . (Order of magnitude), which, taking into account the specific constraints of the various OYAA, and the restriction of the string genome of each species, significantly reduces the number of living species that we find in our most distant extragalactic trips and extra - .
Podríamos llegar a la conclusión equivocada, de que en cada OYAA, los seres vivos e inteligentes (OEMMII) con los que pudiéramos conectar, revisten una forma anatómica y una estructura organofisiológica diferente. We could reach the wrong conclusion, that in each OYAA, living beings and intelligent (OEMMII) with which we connect, have particular anatomical shape and structure different organofisiológica.
Esto es una verdad a medias. This is half true. Ya hemos dicho en párrafo previo que los especimenes elementales (viroides, virus, protozoarios: empleando sus voces españolas) e incluso pequeños animales pluricelulares , son muy parecidos . We have said in previous paragraph that the specimens elementary (viroids, viruses, protozoa: Spanish using their voices) and even small-celled animals, are very similar.
Así hemos localizado en OYAUMMO células que ustedes denominan eucariotas y células procariotas muy similares a las aisladas en OYAGAA (Tierra). So we have located in OYAUMMO you called eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells are very similar to those isolated in OYAGAA (Earth).
BI en los primeros estadios de evolución, establece unos patrones casi idénticos para astros fríos (planetarios o estrellas cuasicongeladas) con características físicas análogas. BI in the early stages of evolution, provides nearly identical patterns for cold stars (planetary or star cuasicongeladas) with similar physical characteristics. Es decir. Ie. Imaginen un astro caliente que pasa de Estrella, en la llamada por ustedes “ secuencia principal “ a gigante roja , luego a Estrella de gran temperatura y radio reducido y finalmente a Astro frío no planetario. Imagine a hot star is going to star in the call for you "main sequence" a red giant, then very hot star and radio and finally reduced to cold Astro no planetarium.
Supongamos que no existe en su entorno una Estrella principal que brinde niveles lumínicos intensos, pero en cambio la temperatura superficial debida al magma interno ya la radiación geológica, es de 30 grados como media. Suppose that there are in your environment that provides a star attraction intense light levels, but the surface temperature change due to internal magma geological and radiation is 30 degrees on average.
Aún así será posible la vida . Still life is possible. Nosotros hemos detectado multitud de Astros fríos de estas características. We have detected cold Astros many of these features. Astros fríos, cuya única luz es la proveniente de Estrellas que aparecen como de gran magnitud, pero que pese a todo carecen de estaciones; en un cálido invierno perpetuo hecho noche continua. Cold Astros, whose only light is from stars that appear as large, but that nevertheless lack of seasons in a warm winter night perpetual fact continuous.
Las especies localizadas son muy elementales . Localized species are very elementary. Aquellas parecidas a las celulares, tienen estructura semejante a las algas terrestres. Similar to those phones, have structure similar to terrestrial algae.
Cuando no están sumergidas en sus Océanos, pueden presentar incluso una gruesa membrana o “coraza” que a veces es rica en sílice y elementos metálicos que actúan de protectores. When not immersed in its oceans, may have even a thick membrane or "shell" that is sometimes rich in silica and metallic elements acting protective.
Pues bien. Well. Estudiadas estrellas frías de iguales características, su flora y fauna resultaban casi idénticas (a las de OYAAUMMO). Studied cool stars with the same characteristics, flora and fauna were almost identical (to those of OYAAUMMO). Por supuesto en tales Astros la evolución esta “congelada” . Of course in such Astros evolution is "frozen". Dicho de otro modo, no será posible la estructuración de OEMII (humanos) . In other words, you can not OEMII structuring (human).
Pero esta pobreza de posibles patrones que deja filtrar BI , sólo se presenta en los primeros estadios de la Evolución. But this poverty of possible patterns that makes BI filter presented only in the early stages of evolution. Imaginemos a nuestros OYAA respectivos: (TIERRA Y UMMO). Imagine our respective OYAA (LAND AND Ummo). Su masa es análoga, y por tanto la gravedad en superficie. Its mass is similar, and therefore the surface gravity. Ambos son Planetas de un Sol (IUEUMMA en nuestro caso) y su atmósfera es muy semejante. Both are Planet of a Sun (IUEUMMA in our case) and its atmosphere is very similar. Tan sólo la temperatura superficial de nuestros Soles, presenta una desviación importante. Only the surface temperature of our Suns, presents a significant departure.
Como decíamos, los organismos vegetales, animales (oligocelulares), y por otra parte bacterias, hongos, algas... se parecen mucho entre si, en ambos Planetas . As mentioned, the plant organisms, animals (oligocelulares), and moreover bacteria, fungi, algae ... closely resemble each other, on both planets. Si ustedes visitaran UMMO, aparte de resplandecientes Auroras Boreales debidas al intenso campo magnético y de la inusual, para ustedes, actividad volcánica, una exploración por el campo no sorprendería demasiado a hermanos de ustedes poco familiarizados con botánica y zoología. If you visit Ummo, apart from Northern Lights shining due to the intense magnetic field and the unusual, for you, volcanic activity, an exploration of the field is not too surprised at your brothers unfamiliar with botany and zoology. En todo caso les sorprenderían la existencia de OVUAANAA, cuyo tamaño (árboles) les recordaría a las sequoias gigantes de Tierra. In any case I surprised that there OVUAANAA, whose size (trees) would remind the giant sequoias Earth. Por lo demás la acción clorofílica se desarrolla en la esfera vegetal como en Tierra . Moreover chlorophyll action takes place in the vegetable field and on Earth.
Musgos , Mosses, mixomicotas , cormofitas y por otra parte flagelados , mesozoos , platelmintos ... myxomycota, cormopyita and otherwise flagellates, Mesozoa, flatworms ... etc., con lo que ustedes están familiarizados, tienen en OYAAUMMO (casi) sus especies especulares, salvando ciertas diferencias morfológicas que un analista de Tierra podría clasificar, a veces, como meras subespecies o variedades, hasta el punto de que nosotros mismos al comparar ambas taxonomías, nos sorprendemos de la semejanza a esos niveles. etc., so that you are familiar with, have in OYAAUMMO (almost) its mirror species, saving certain morphological differences that an analyst could classify Earth, sometimes as mere subspecies or varieties, to the point that comparing ourselves two taxonomies, we are surprised by the similarity to those levels.
Pero conforme avanzamos en complejidad, las diferencias morfológicas se acentúan . But as we advance in complexity, the morphological differences are accentuated. Clases como crustáceos, no existen propiamente en UMMO, aunque aparecen animales que ustedes no podrían clasificar hoy, y que se parecen a ellos. Classes such as crustaceans, there are no properly in Ummo, while appearing animals you could not classify today, and look like them. En cambio aparecen clases como peces, anfibios, aves, reptiles y mamíferos que no dudarían en clasificar como tales, y sin embargo, ninguna de sus especies podría localizarse en un parque zoológico o acuarium de Tierra. Classes instead appear as fish, amphibians, birds, reptiles and mammals would not hesitate to classify as such, and yet none of its species could be located in a zoo or aquarium on earth.
Dicho de un modo más simplista. Ninguno de los animales o vegetales complejos de UMMO (salvo el Hombre) podría encontrarse en Tierra y viceversa . In a more simplistic. No animal or vegetable Ummo complexes (except Man) could be found on Earth and vice versa.
La filogenia “posible” del WAAM-WAAM, puede representarse así: The phylogeny "possible" WAAM-WAAM, may be represented as:
Los nudos IBOZSOO OAO representan posibles divergencias por mutación. The knots represent IBOZSOO OAO any discrepancies by mutation.
Aquellos Filum que se apartan de la morfología del OEMMII, acaban por desaparecer , pues el “destino final” de esa arborescencia de Filum es el OEMMIL. Filum those that deviate from OEMMII morphology, eventually disappear, because the "final destination" of the arborescence of the OEMMIL Filum. A él convergen todas las posibilidades, incluso mediante mutaciones de las ramas más lejanas a los homínidos que aparentemente se alejan sensiblemente de la anatomía humana. In it converge all possibilities, including mutations more distant branches of hominids apparently differ considerably from the human anatomy.
Ahora vamos a revelarles un aspecto de biogenética que si lo leyese algún experto de OYAAGAA, lo interpretaría como una inadmisible aberración, una herejía inconcebible, en el contexto de la genética de Tierra. Now we will reveal an aspect of biogenetic that if you read some OYAAGAA expert, interprets it as an unacceptable aberration, an unthinkable heresy in the context of the genetics of Earth.
La Reserva genética de una especie, de un Philum, sufre como ustedes saben derivas a lo largo del tiempo: mutaciones, migraciones, fenómenos de selección por acción del ambiente... The gene pool of a species, a Philum, as you know suffers from drift over time: mutation, migration, selection phenomena by action of the environment ...
Pudiera parecer que las distintas clases de animales podrían evolucionar perfeccionándose, por supuesto, pero alejándose cada vez más de la forma hominoide. It might seem that different kinds of animals might evolve to improve, of course, but going further and further from the hominoid form. A los biólogos de ustedes no les extrañaría que los actuales équidos, vayan transformándose en sucesivas mutaciones en animales más esbeltos y corticalizados, pero muy diferentes a la anatomía de los humanos. For the biologists of you are not surprised that the current equine are transformed into series of mutations in animals corticalized slender, but very different to the human anatomy.
No es así . Las distintas especies por evolución, han de converger necesariamente en estructuras hominoideas . Not so. The different species by evolution, they necessarily converge in hominoids structures.
En el gráfico pueden ustedes apreciar esto. The chart can you appreciate this.
Si en OYAAGAA una rama de protomamíferos derivó en ramas sucesivas de mamíferos, uno de cuyos Philum se transformó en primates, de la que derivaron los homínidos diversos hasta llegar al Homo Hábilis y ramas posteriores, fue porque mecanismos de selección y patrones del BB aceleraron en esta derivación genotípica, la transformación. Tarde o temprano, los otros animales acabarían transformándose en seres muy parecidos al Homo Sapiens . If a branch OYAAGAA led protomamíferos successive branches of mammals, one of which became Philum primates, the hominid that led up to the number of Homo habilis and posterior branches, it was because selection mechanisms and patterns of BB accelerated in this derivation genotypic transformation. Sooner or later, the animals would end up becoming very similar creatures to Homo Sapiens.
Dicho de otro modo: In other words:
Si desaparecieran OEMII de Tierra junto con póngidos , cercopitecoideos , platirrinos e incluso el resto de mamíferos, las restantes clases existentes llegarían a cristalizar (a través de una rama más acelerada al principio) en nuevos OEMMII (hombres). If they disappeared from Earth with OEMII pongids, cercopitecoideos, new world monkeys and even the rest of mammals, the other would come to crystallize existing classes (through a branch faster at first) in new OEMMII (men).
Eso no quiere decir que todos los OEMMII sean idénticos . That does not mean that all OEMMII are identical. Por el contrario, aparecen diferencias anatomofisiológicas a veces muy sensibles . On the contrary, differences are sometimes very sensitive anatomophysiological. Por ejemplo, nosotros OEMMII de UMMO presentamos diferencias genotípicas y por tanto; fenotípicas acusadas. For example, we present Ummo OEMMII of genotypic differences and hence, phenotypic accused. Si un médico de Tierra nos examinara, observaría peculiaridades sorprendentes. De la misma forma un hominoide derivado, dentro de unos millones de años, a partir de un gasterósteo , presentaría otras singularidades anatómicas significativas . If a doctor from Earth we consider, observe striking peculiarities. In the same way a hominoid derived in a few million years, from a stickleback, has other significant anatomical oddities.
Dos OEMMII procedentes de Red Social planetaria distinta, no pueden aparearse por la sola razón de tener sexo distinto morfología casi idéntica. Two OEMMII Social Network from a different planet, can not mate for no other reason to have sex nearly identical morphology. Así; una mujer de UMMO y un varón de Tierra serían incapaces de engendrar hijos , sin características teratológicas . Thus, a woman and a man Ummo Earth would be unable to bear children without features Teratology. Sólo una manipulación, por nuestra parte , del genoma de ambos gametos podría dar como fruto una especie estable. Only manipulation on our part, the genome of both gametes could lead to stable fruit species. ( Nuestras UA prohíben ahora tal posibilidad ). (Our UA now prohibit such a possibility).
El OEMMII es pues el último producto de la evolución . The OEMMII is thus the ultimate product of evolution. Pero un humano a su vez, puede evolucionar perfeccionando su neuroencéfalo y por supuesto el resto del fenotipo (ustedes están precisamente en una fase temprana de esta evolución del Philum HOMO). But a human in turn, can evolve and refine its course neuroencéfalo the rest of the phenotype (you are just at an early stage of this evolution of Philum HOMO). Lo que ocurre es que a partir de un punto del proceso de corticalización ( desarrollo del cortex y por tanto de la inteligencia) el humano llega a comprender las bases biogenéticas del Cosmos y alcanza las bases teóricas y práxicas para modificar su propio genoma sin necesidad de esperar que el proceso normal de deriva mutación y selección lo altere y perfeccione . What happens is that from a point corticalization process (development of the cortex and therefore intelligence) comes to understand the human biogenetic bases of the Cosmos and reaches the theoretical and praxical to change its own genome without expect that the normal process of mutation and selection drift alter and refine it.
AYUBAAYII. AYUBAAYII. Hemos dicho que es un ser vivo, pero en UMMO este fonema representa algo más. We have said that is a living, but this phoneme Ummo represents something else. Su significado exacto sería: Its exact meaning is:
AYUUBAAYII - Red de entidades cuya entropía es negativa, autorreproducibles que contienen en su seno codificada información a nivel biomolecular . AYUUBAAYII - Network of organizations whose entropy is negative, self-reproducing that contain coded information within it biomolecular level.
AYUUBAAYII es por ejemplo, un animal superior, el OEMMII mismo, pero también una colonia de virus, un grupo de hormigas (es decir, su especie), la asociación de un parásito con su huésped, un grupo de personas humanas, o el CONJUNTO total de seres vivos que pueblan un Astro frío. AYUUBAAYII is such a superior animal, the same OEMMII, but also a colony of viruses, a group of ants (ie, its species), the association of a parasite with its host, a group of human beings, or the SET all living beings that populate a cold Astro.
Es decir, AYUUBAAYII: matemáticamente es el “CONJUNTO” pero también cualquier “SUBCONJUNTO”. That is, AYUUBAAYII: mathematically is the "SET" but also any "subset".
Mas, lo que caracteriza realmente al AYUUBAAYII no es ser un simple agregado de seres vivos , sino que esta RED está dirigida, modulada, guiada por WAAM But what really characterized the AYUUBAAYII not be a mere aggregate of living beings, but that this network is directed, modulated, guided by WAAM (UNIVERSO DE MASA INFINITA Y RADIO CONSTANTE). (WORLD OF INFINITE AND RADIO CONSTANT MASS).
La evolución de una red de seres vivos dentro de un Planeta frío, o una Estrella fría, no se rige por meras leyes del azar . Los organismos envían datos acerca del medio a: WAAM The evolution of a network of living in a cold planet or a star cold, is not governed by simple laws of chance. The agencies send data about the environment to: WAAM . Este procesa tales datos y RESPONDE enviando señales (patrones de comportamiento) para la evolución . . This process such data and responds by sending signals (patterns of behavior) for evolution. A este proceso lo llamaríamos en Tierra, utilizando un neologismo: ORTOGÉNESIS . In this process we would call on Earth, using a neologism: orthogenesis.
Así un AYUUBAAYII, como el OEMMII, es un aglomerado de células en unidades histológicas que conforman órganos y estructuras de sostén, pero esta RED está conformada en su estructura: por Thus a AYUUBAAYII like OEMMII is a cluster of cells in histological units that make up organs and supporting structures, but this network is formed in its structure: by , de la que hablaremos más extensamente. , To be discussed more extensively.
WAMM WAMM Es sin duda el Universo más importante de la generación de WOA (GENERADOR O DIOS ). No doubt the universe is more important in the generation of WOA (GENERATOR OR GOD). WAAM WAAM
es un Universo singular, uno de los Universos del WAAM-WAAM (adyacente sin embargo a WAAM Universe is a unique, one of the universes of WAAM-WAAM (adjacent to but WAAM
) y relacionado con los otros WAAM gracias a la existencia en estos, de Masa Imaginaria ) And related to the other through the existence WAAM these, of imaginary mass
. .
WAAM WAAM , tiene masa infinita , dividida por igual en MASA MATERIA y MASA ANTIMATERIA ( +my -m). Has infinite mass, divided equally on matter and mass antimatter MASS (+ m-m). Su radio es constante y carece de Masa Imaginaria . Its radius is constant and does not have imaginary mass.
La velocidad de un fotón en su seno es infinita (el concepto de masa infinita es referida a todo el Universo. Ello no quiere decir que las singularidades másicas en ese WAAM sean hiperpesadas). The speed of a photon is infinite within it (the concept of infinite mass is referred to throughout the Universe. This does not mean that the mass singularities are in that WAAM hiperpesadas). Es el único Universo, junto con WAAM It is the only universe, along with WAAM , donde el concepto de AYUUBAAYII (red viviente) carece se sentido . , Where the concept of AYUUBAAYII (red living) is no sense. (Expresado en términos coloquiales: allí no existen galaxias, planetas, animales o vegetales, rocas o polvo). (Expressed in colloquial terms: there are no galaxies, planets, animals or plants, rocks or dust).
Trataremos de describir WAAM Try to describe WAAM . .
Si pudiéramos “ver” o penetrar en este Universo tan extraño, apreciaríamos un confuso conglomerado de filamentos y nódulos, flotando en el espacio. If we could "see" or enter this strange universe, we would appreciate a confused conglomeration of strands and nodes, floating in space. Parte de esos Filamentos es de masa ( M+ ) y parte ( M- ). Some of these filaments is mass (M +) and part (M-).
It would surprise to us to observe that when hits some of those fibers, a “explosion” takes place. (In fact the disappearance of the nodules and filaments, and energy liberation, contributes to that the adjacent filaments and nodules move away to each other, compensating its gravitational attraction. It would surprise to us to observe between those filament beams, flows of quantum of great energy, that propagate at infinite speed). (It is precise to emphasize that the mathematical concept of INFINITE, has - physical world here a real meaning something different).
Perhaps an example could illustrate what we expressed. A value like 12 n, being “n” any value superior to quintillón (Note U-C: Quintillón = 1030, And so the proposed number would be written: 12^1030 =12 In order to understand the magnitude of this number, - it take in account that, for example, the total number of elementary particles that exist in our universe is of the order of 1080 being this insignificant number compared with which they propose ummites- see Googol and Googolplex approximately us), will only be reviewed by the physicists of UMMO like “infinite” AIGIOXAA, a concept different from AIGEOXUOO (infinitely mathematical) in which “n” will have a value superior to which they can imagine.
GOOINUU UXGIIGII are these filaments located in a three-dimensional frame provided of mass. If we could visualize its forms, would be approximately thus:
The nodules must have a densidad (in Earth units) of 1018.3 grams/cm3 (referential density to the three-dimensional frame of our WAAM) - (equivalent to ten million Tons by cubic meter) -, magnitude that would remember in our Universe the one of a neutron Star.
The filamentous mass can reach densidades between 107.2 and 105.8 grams/cm3.
The filament between two nodules, can enter period of longitudinal vibration (axial propagation), oscillating in standing wave.
That oscillation has a INFORMATION meaning. Expressed of another form: GOOINUU UGIIGI (mass chain), codifies and to decode information, storing it in their form to draft and ejecting it or sinking it by each pair of nodules.
Tenth that an observer would appreciate those long chains in the space, crossing itself without connecting - except for rare occasions, and could appreciate a temperature in his mass so, that he allows him to emit quantum power (photons). (They observe that the matter in those chains, safe in the filamentous sections, is not formed by atoms but by particles without electrical charge, strongly compressed. They do not exist therefore, orbital electronic crowns and therefore, whose electrons when changing of level can emit quantified energy). The thermal power plant is constituted by the impacts of masses (+) with masses (-).
But the global conception of that structure, is more complex. The real frame is pentadimensional. A network of Ibozsoo Uhu could be conceived in the hyperspace of three dimensions, more Time, more OAWOO (dimension oriented of l.U), like true “membranes” (XOODII), that would unite the “mentioned nodules”, to each other.
This complex space lattice owns the following functions:
- TO PROCESS DATA (Since it is formed by genuine amplifiers photons).
Such XOODII are in fact networks of I.U that present/display the peculiarity to contribute enormous amounts of energy….
Not quantified!
when the network is excited by a single photon (quantum).
We called LEEIIYO WAAM (opposite Effect) to a family of phenomena that happen in XOODII WAAM (opposite or “adjacent” two membrane of the Cosmos (intercommunicable)).
The “observable effects are vain opposite”. (Many not observed by our scientists. There Exist more).
“The Imaginary” Mass of a WAAM, it can bring about effects of folding and “PRESSURE” in another WAAM.
Synchronous a CRITICAL PRESSURE of value superior to fifteen million atmospheres to an intense magnetic field OXAAIUYU, causes a LEEIIYO (change of axes of the I.U.) what explains the OAUOOLEIBOZOO (corpuscular investment that allows our Ships to travel through another WAAM).
Most important “LEEIIYO WAAM” (border effect) pronounces thanks to the existence of two tie factors the alive beings. (Atom Clouds of Krypton).
BAAYIODUU - It ties to the genome of an alive being to
OEMVUUAUW - It ties the brain to and to
As much BAAYIODUU as OEMVUAUAUW, by means of their codified quantum jumps, excites a “region” of the WAAM . In fact they excite or they stimulate, by means of the information contribution, the XOODII of that surroundings.
The transference takes place by investment of a codified quantum jump (in our WAAM) in a photon within the other WAAM .
This photon “is invested” by XOODII and transformed into a macrophysical flow of energy. (Something similar to which it happens in our WAAM, when a photon affects a crystal causing an electron cascade).
First stage of the process consists of engramado of the DATA. The information is recorded in GOOINUU UGIIGI in the form of standing waves in the section to draft. It soon follows a complex process of information, that we will develop in another Report.
Summarizing: When we see, we smell or we touched an object, like a poppy, the information happens from our neuroreceptores to the brain. This one processes the information it stores and it, but it transfers at the same time it to an atom chain of Krypton, whose peripheral electrons gather it and “(WAAM) transmit” to another Universo, (bases of the COLLECTIVE PSYCHIC CHARACTER) and to the WAAM
, it bases of the individual SOUL.
WAAM , is a continuous pentadimensional with mass singularities (in the form of nodulados filaments) divided in cells, or “separated surroundings” to each other. (We ignored the nature of that separation and if in fact transference of information among them exists).
Each “cell” receives the name of BUUAUE BIAEI (B.B.), Psique or Collective Soul. ()
So many B.B exist as AYUUBAAYII (networks of planetary alive beings) in all the WAAM-WAAM. There is an biunivocal correspondence between each set of alive beings in a Cold Star, and his corresponding B.B.
We express this one notion, with more didactic amplitude.
You Earth men, are integrated within a living Network (terrestrial biosphere) that includes/understands from humblest viroide to the mammals superiors of all species, including the Sapiens Furnace.
Then: In WAAM , a cell can be located spatioly-temporal (gigantic, true Galaxy), denominated by us
All the alive beings send information to that great COSMIC BRAIN. , or COLLECTIVE SOUL, is rather a stranger, for you, encéfalo extracosmic: that it stores, it codifies, to decode and it processes information coming from all the alive beings of the cold Planet.
Only that the bond that unites to a bacterium, to a crab or one gacela, is only BAAIYOODUU (information coder, whose concept not only includes/understands to the atom cloud of Krypton, but its integration in ). A fish sends information on its genes and the environment, and it only receives form patterns, or patterns of genotype to modulate his mutations. That is all the bond that unites to an animal inferior with the B.B.
But Man OEMMII is an alive being who distinguishes itself of the others in which in addition, of the BAAIYODUU, its Integra brain ANOTHER KRYPTON ATOM CLOUD. The OEMMUUAUW (Or.). Or, it much more transfers a rich information to B.B and the Soul . Not only what perceives, but what symbolizes, it reflects, it thinks, it feels. Intellectual ideas, symbols, affection, elaborations, that is to say, all mental process are codified simultaneously in:
Memories The Soul ()
The collective Psychic character ()
The two first engraman only the perceptions and intellectual processes of the individual. The B.B Integra that information with coming from Million alive beings of the Planet.
In addition the brain receives:
INTRUCCIONES (governing Information of the SOUL ).
INFORMATION emotional intellect and, product and synthesis of the enormous processes of all the information of the alive beings of the Planet in which they reside.
See this, in the following graph:
How“WAAM-WAAM were born” (the multicosmos)? At first was WAAM, coexisting with WOA (Dios).
WAAM contained all the mass of their Universe in an initial core of infinite value (infinitely physical). More; this nucleus, on the contrary that the one of other WAAM, was formed by matter and antimatter.
It was an unstable Cosmión, and therefore it exploded. E = Infinitely (Energy).
The expansion of the Cosmos is corno a bubble that is dilated. A hyperspherical membrane whose radio increases progressively.
You could compare it to the wave front I hyperpress, that is generated after the explosion of a fission-fusion-fission pump.
(The internal pressure of that bubble at the initial moment, is infinite. But progressively it varies of value).
If there had not been WOA influence, the expansion would have been compensated by the gravitational action of an infinite mass.
The initial Cosmic Crystal (isotropy and constant densidad of: +M and - M), would have colapsado at the same moment to begin the isotropic expansion.
It is here where WOA takes part introducing an induced anisotropy “intelligently”: GENERATION
WOA induces only asymmetry. Soon we will see like in a curl, that you will call cybernetic, the COSMOS “reflects on itself”, that is to say, AUTOCAPTA information on its structure, and autocorrige by means of this act of internal reflection.
When inducing WOA a disturbance, that Universe stops presenting/displaying the cristalocósmica characteristic. Masses of different sign enter collision and the resulting energy compensates (contributing to expand the system) when resisting the gravitational collapse.
The asymmetry or anisotropy of the WAAM , exerts its influence on the WAAM (adjacent), These when exploding, also would be oriented to become Cosmocristales isotropic.
The disturbance or folds of a WAAM, is caused at the time of the explosion, when in a small time slice, after the initial expansion, the Membrane or “bubble” presents/displays a critical pressure of 15.445.000 atmospheres (Earth unit). Critical pressure denominated AADAGIOUU (pressure that is inferior noticeably to which it appears at moment ZERO, when all the mass of the WAAM is concentrated in a hypermass point).
In the birth of the WAAM (Universal ours) we have to consider, therefore, two moments interaction critics with the WAAM
Initial moment. Precise Hipermasa.
(It explodes by action of the WAAM ).
Moment of initial anisotropy. An extra pressure of about fifteen million is caused of Kilogram-I weigh by square centimeter (Earth unit), that gives rise to the destruction of the initial isotropy.
This moment is critical. They appear particles power subatomics and quantum that by accretion will later form dust, gas clouds and galaxy, when that gas is condensed in stars (this phase is rather well well-known by the OYAGAA astrophisicists (Tierra)).
The WAAM function is then, important. Not only it acts through B.B.
, as we see next on the living beings, but mainly it makes the existence possible of the Pluriuniverso.
Now you can synthesize all the functions (well-known) of the WAAM Utilizaremos a didactic language:
WAAM makes the organizational wealth possible of the Pluriuniverso. Without him; WAAMWAAM would be a hypermass national geodetic control network and living galaxies, stars, beings, “things” would not exist to sum up. WAAM
modulates through LEEIYO WAAM (border effects) the configurations of the Cosmos multiplanar in which WOA becomes reality.
WAAM divided in manifolds B.B.
, it receives very diverse INFORMATION of the alive beings who populate the multiple Universe.
You observe who WHEN RECEIVING INFORMATION of those beings, in fact is receiving data about the same WAAM-WAAM observed by these.
Each B.B, receives mainly, a flow of very important information, sprung from the rational OEMMII or beings who populate the WAAM-WAAM. Its intellective processes, their perceptions of the world that surrounds to them, its feelings, etc.
WAAM processes that information, parceling out it in the different B.B
and makes morphologic landlords and universal feelings, universal symbols, ideas landlord…
Each B.B sends their biological patrons to the alive beings to guide ORTHOGENESIS) the evolution, of each cold Star.
Each B.B. , it also sends his universal ideas, collective feelings, gregarious inductions, ideas landlord morals, etc., to all OEMMII. The laws morals, therefore if “they are written” before the Envoy of WOA in each cold Planet, with intelligent biosphere.
Thus the extrasensory communication that you also denominate Telepathy, between intelligent beings of the same cold Star is explained.
A graph synthesizes these functions didactically:
We speak now of the CONSCIENCE (called by us with different voices. Usually EEXEE OA).
The OEMMII like any alive being, is a network of Ibozsoo uhu space, weather and neguentrópica. In other words, its evolution in the Time is so, that the internal entropy (loss of information) is reduced instead of to progress as it happens in a crystal, a rock or a Galaxy. It means this that we perceived the flow of the time, based on two states:
E1 and E2 of entropy, in which the second is minor who first. An entropy decrement has existed in ínterin, that is:
an increase of INFORMATION Δ I.
We really did not perceive the Time, but the enrichment of information. That is the reason for which when you are indifferent, the Time flows slowly (the increase of information is minimum).
The perception of the Time is “nonexistent” between two total Anesthesia states, in which:
E1 ≈ E2
On the contrary, when we lived intensely (information enrichment), the Time it seems to flow more quickly. Some patients with degeneration of the neuronal weave (for example in the calls by you senile dementia), the Time flows backwards (positive entropy). A corpse is it, because it becomes being entropic.
The information of our mind is also transferred to the Psique . There she is engramada in networks you will draft of IBOZSOO UHU. That is to say, in chains of IBOZSOO UHU. Also this structure to case out appears in the I.U sequence that interacts to us, or directs.
Each of these chains of I.U is formed by “infinites” (physically) angles that codify the information:
It exists, as it can see in the graph, an biunivocal correspondence between the moments of the axis of the Time. (The Time is unified like discreet) and IBOZSOO UHU of the Psique . The Time in MY UNIVERSE is formed by a discreet succession of TEMPORARY QUANTUM (Δt) related each to the pair of l.U that codifies the instructions that the Soul sends:
In the graph we can see didactically as those secuenciadas instructions are moment to moment (I.U to l.U.) Δt, so that being ours “I” eat a long spatio-temporal tunnel, brings back to consciousness is ILLUMINATING the successive sections of that long gallery.
We can imagine that tunnel owns many doors. Each represents the same neurosensor organ throughout the successive moments.
By the door (the doors: throughout the Time: the view, for example) enters successive images. Our brain is become rich of visual perceptions. Every day that happens, I have seen a new face, an object nonseen before.
The Gallery is become rich of objects, of furniture. When a Man with his lantern illuminates
a section of long tunnel (OEMMII OEVUMAEI: Spatio-temporal man), not only catches the “furniture” that finishes entering by that door (image just perceived), but through a mirror: MEMORY, the “furniture” that are BACK (never those of ahead: THE FUTURE.
The conscience is then sequential: progressive in the Time thanks to the structure to case out (chain or thread) of l.U of our Psique (it is like a rosary of the Catholics, or one japa of the Hindus, that the accounts of oration one to sequentially shell).
DEATH. (ESCATOLOGÍA in UMMO). When a destruction of the last elements of the network of Krypton takes place (not it destruction of atoms, but of the bonds or nexuses of the network) takes place the death. This destruction indeed agrees with the disintegration of some neuronal networks of encéfalo (a cardiac failure implies absence of sanguineous irrigation, lacking of contribution of I oxygenate and glucose to the neuronal histological network. Tissue degeneration and death.
The death of the OEMMI agrees therefore with the disintegration of the OEMBUUAAW (the atoms of Krypton return to their quantum behavior), then DISAPPEARS a OPPOSITE EFFECT and appears a fourth EFFECT
A I.U network., Integra enters adjacent WAAM both: WAAM and WAAM
Soul and B.B tie to each other. It means this; as we revealed to him in another report, that our Psique (Soul) reaches the maximum state of integration, in the collective psychic character.
That is the sense of UMMO importance. We know that to our death a fusion will exist, an integration, one narrow entailment of psique (SOUL) of our “spirit” (nonmaterial nor immaterial, but first of all the information of our life), in that “Universal” collective Psychic character.
We will be able to connect more intensely with the loved beings, to communicate with psiques of other passed away brothers, to participate in the planetary knowledge of all the biosphere, not only of the OEMMII that finish dying, but with those of all the humans since life OYAAUMMO was born (and by all means for you, from the Homo habilis [*] to the last one of its brothers).
The knowledge of the real world is possible also, including the one of the alive beings, because B.B is informed into all the existential process of the beings who not yet have passed away.
This means that the passed away OEMMII; through his Psique, it can in certain way influence through the unconscious ones, in its loved beings more and certain degree also in the THINGS that surround to him, while the biosphere modifies the physical atmosphere through the living beings.
B.B is the Collective Psychic character. Also it we can call subconscious mind or unconscious group, while their contents are operative, but SERES-VIVOS do not become conscious.
The psychic character (Soul) of a passed away human being, can and in fact it makes, sometimes, attend to us, protect to us sometimes interacting of a VERY ACTIVE form, but more of the times modulating smoothly our unconscious one, through the information that we received from B.B.
The psychic character or Soul, released of the bows of Or. () and of the OEMMII
or physical body - already corrupted it initiates an eternal stage of pleasant knowledge of the B.B. Not only it will be assimilating a millenarian culture accumulated pos Centuries of experiences of All the human beings, but it will penetrate in Science, the Art, the culture to sum up, of a whole PLANETARY HUMANITY.
It will also participate without a doubt in sufferings, but compensated by the deep knowledge of the UA and the experiences morals and eutímicas [*] of the beings.
In addition: As participant in WAAM it will be able to accede to the secrets ether us of all the WAAM-WAAM, attending the perpetual evolution of his Galaxies, diverse mass Stars andformation.
That it will happen when the Earth humanity dies? We do not know it, from a scientific perspective; but the revelation of UMMOWOA says to us that it will be integrated as well in other B.B.
, corresponding to other so many disappeared planetary biospheres. We can appreciate this in the following UAA.
(the UAA are sublime principles morals dictated by the divine Ummowoa).
UAA - TAAUU 1854
“And the unconscious planetarium in distant regions will illuminate to you with a moral brightness, that you will not be able less than to assume. Then in him all the Law dictated by WOA for all the OEMMII is recorded.
In him the actions of the OEMMII are recorded, those that you are conformed by the ethics and those that they violate the inescapable social principles, because all that one that my divine TAAUU break with their conduct, is bringing about a regression of entropic character, degrading its own WAAM”. (The Cosmos = can be translated by SOCIAL FRAME, AVERAGE physicist).
TAAUU 1860
“But the disintegration of OEMMII will be a fact someday, as all you know. How you will be able to know when that UIW will arrive? Then your Soul will be fused with the Unconscious Group, participating in its planetary joys, although also in their sadnesses, but the pleasure to apprehend all the enormous mass of intellectual information, and to see reflected in a silver-titanium surface (Alloy that for of mirror, Note ours), all the law UAA (moral) of the polynuclear Universe in which you are inserted”.
TAAUU 1868
“But a day all the living sphere will be victim in UMMO of a terrible cataclysm who will annihilate the foundations not only of your civilization, but of the same genetic essence of the alive beings. The water ice will cover the surface with the continents with several ENMOO of thickness (Unit of length. Note ours) in some places and the disintegration of the life will be a reality.
It will be the flexion point so that the unconscious group, that at first floated solitary in the ocean of that one Cosmos (it is talking about the WAAM ) will be fused with other unconscious groups of humanities and extinct animal networks, that lived in distant OYAA (cold Stars) and the participation of your Soul in the WOA work will reach a degree more of perfection in the way slowed down towards the eternity”.
When those TAAUU were dictated, our scientists had a vague concept of Cosmology. They did not know that he existed more than a Universe.
To hear speak of another Cosmos, seemed a metaphor that represented other inhabited worlds. But our Science has been confirming divine and little the metaphorical images of our divine UMMOWOA.
Today nevertheless, of the future fusion of different B.B we only know what of a somewhat ambiguous form, that good OEMMII and santo between the saints, revealed to us.
You, the GEMMII of Earth, know the questions well the OYAAGAA thinkers. During Centuries, their philosophers have interrogated themselves about the questions more important than a human being can be formulated: Who we are? To where we went? From where we come? Why we are in the World?
We would want to now offer the semi-answers to them that our scientists (Science and Philosophy are fused in OYAUMMO) offer to the humanized being.
Philosophical answer to first stage of our conception.
We THOUGHT (we have not been able to state it scientifically; although he offers in addition answer us, the TAAU of UMMOWOA), that WOA is realised to itself, generating the WAAM-WAAM (UMMOWOA says the Cosmos and Anticosmos).
WOA and WAAM-WAAM coexist in the eternity, we did not think that God (Generating), is “before” or “later” of the Universe (polynuclear: as he cryptically says UMMOWOA) Sometimes in TAAU speaks, the divine Man, of Antiuniverso Universe; another speech of IBOZSOCAOWAAM. (UNIVERSAL POLYNUCLEAR POLIPUNTUAL OR). This last meaning was an enigma, until the scientists conceived (of UMMO) the WAAM-WAAM.
WOA could not exist “before”, in the first place because the concept of the Time is irrelevant in a adimensional being; but it is that, in addition, in WOA it cannot have changes. To imagine that in one first stage God it has still not generated, and “soon” yes makes, is equivalent to conceive a fluctuating being: More imperfect in a first stage.
WOA because it coexists with a WAAM-WAAM developed by him.
WOA exists. Not in the Time. It exists and it is enough. The Universal multiplanar exists in an all decadimensional one that includes the Time
(It makes no sense to think that the Cosmos is evolving slowly while WOA is generating it progressively. The illusion of flowing the Time, is own of the alive beings).
WOA conceives the multicosmos that has this profile
able to become rich to itself with information.
(The X-axis represents the Time. The axis of ordinates symbolizes INFORMATION AUTOADQUIRIDA).
As it can be conceived that a system is able to autogenerate information, becoming intelligent to itself?
Our philosophical answer is that information is the INFORMATION that WOA owns by their infinitud, is a reflection of the WOA intelligence.
(Obsérvese that the function represented in that graph can be integrated enters zero infinitely and):
The difference is based in which the WAAM-WAAM cannot be WOA and needs to progress in the “knowledge”, whereas in WOA - eternal the information is integrated in (totally).
WOA generates therefore a Universe multiple AUTOCONSCIENTE, able to autocorregir itself in a cybernetic curl.
But; How it can become a mass of Galaxies and cosmic dust autoconsciente?
Evidently an entropic process cannot become never conscious. The conscience implies complexity and high level of information and intelligence (the entropy is disorder). An entropic system, as a centrifuge, Star or gas cloud information, is degraded. It could never become conscious.
It is necessary “to create” neguentrópicos systems (systems that are become rich of CENTRIPETAL INFORMATION, at the expense of means).
The high intelligence of WOA, demands that these systems are developed with minimum intellectual effort.
The form to obtain it is TO GENERATE ANISOTROPIC the COSMOS irregular. We see an example: You shake the dust in a room. Million particle scrolls will be shaken in the room. In zones, the dust disperses, expands (Entropy), in others - except the dust it can be concentrated forming precious arabesque, scrolls of varied forms (information concentrations = neguentropía).
Indeed WAAM, that as they know distorts to the rest of Universes generating singularities of mass, galaxies and stars integrated in them, in the middle of a gas pool is generated.
But in specific points, neguentrópicos beings arise By chance.
In a wild flow of entropy, small parts of the Universe flow backwards, gaining information instead of to lose it, and those nodules (alive beings in OYAA (cold Stars)) they get to perfect itself sometimes until becoming CONSCIOUS
So that it serves the conscience? We very falsely think that for our PS. We smell, we visualized, we touched a jasmin; we think that for our delight (the delight play the decoy role here to urge we to like and to smell), but in fact WE PERCEIVED; we feel FOR
Indeed. The living beings through their transducers, that is to say, the receiving neurosensores of information landlords (organs of the senses) catch the structure of the Universe.
This information is sent to B.B. ,
integrated and processed in WAAM.
A cybernetic curl is closed therefore.
Now you can include/understand the greatness of the Generation of WOA.
God creates a autoconsciente Universe that is corrected to itself perfecting itself. Multicosmos is like a gigantic organism equipped with brain: THE WAAM ; of sensorial organs: The living beings. Of effectors (motor organs). Disturbers (of Imaginary Mass) able to modify the structure of
Universe, folding spatioly-temporal its continuous dimensional one.
And finally its own body. The set or Network of the Cosmos that forms their structure.
All this macro-organism owns a Soul: The WAAM , whose psiques individual ends up modulating the structure of the WAAM
Now you will be able to include/understand why we have said to them in other information, that the OEMMII CAN MODIFY THEIR OWN UNIVERSE OBSERVING IT.
We are mere instruments of a huge being who was born to reflect all the infinite to be able of WOA, and when dying we will be integrating us in the infinite knowledge of WOA reflected in the decadimensional and pluriplánico Universe. If we did not see, we smelled and we touched: the Cosmos would be solved in an infinite chaos without forms nor flows of energy. It would be the most concrete test of “oligophreny” of God.
A. = AIUUBAHAYII Network of alive beings or TO BE living.
B.B. = BUUAUWEE BIAEII Collective psychic character ().
l.U. = IBOZSOO UHU Elementary Subpartículas.
B.l = BAAIYODUHU Factor of union between B.B and chromosomes.
OR. = OEEMBUUAW Factor of Krypton that unites B.B with ( ) encéfalo of a OEMMII.
WAAM-WAAM is the WOA generation (generation of the OEMMII in certain way) since with our thought we contributed with others quintillones of humans in the plurality of the Cosmos, to remodelar it. Our function of conscious beings is the one TO SERVE AS EYES, EARS, olfactory organ… to that huge brain that is WAAM , within that not less huge ALIVE ORGANISM than it is the WOA work. The WAAM-WAAM.
It is precise to clarify the paper that the Imaginary Mass exerts in the multiple Cosmos. In the same way that an animal receives information and it processes later it finally to exert his action by means of his motor organs: feet, arms, jaws, on means (cybernetic curl). Also we have seen that the alive beings act receiving information, redispatching it the B.B.
, within the WAAM
It is obvious already for us, that the important function of B.B. it is not indeed to coordinate to a network of living beings in that development of information who we called Psychic character or Collective unconscious.
The genuine function of WAAM, is to serve as ENCÉFALO the WAAM-WAAM, but all alive being receives information he processes, it and HE ACTS on the means that informed to him, transforming it.
WAAM-WAAM does the same, and it is worth of an organization that is only intuited until now by the Earth physicists, and that are the Imaginary Mass.
“The Imaginary” Mass does not mean (as their mathematicians know brother) that he is mythical” or “idealizada” MASS “. On the contrary, its existence is “real WELL”. Only that cannot you touch it nor smell it, because it is not located within the framework three-dimensional that you catch. A faculty of this mass is that it can move at speeds superiors to the one of a photon. Imaginary mass is a singular Network of I.U. (Knowing the theory IBOOZSOO UHU they could only include/understand his interralacionante function between Universes).
A particle of such Mass, flows in the Time “the other way around” and its stable state, or of minimum energy, it is the infinite speed. Alive beings of Imaginary Mass do not exist, but they would exist, its serious paradoxical rest the infinite speed (infinitely mathematical). The network of Iboozsoo Uhu agglutinates to the Cosmos, acts like drive belt of energy among them.
When one moves at “small speeds”, the Imaginary Mass is pronounced in one of the Cosmos twin but really the Cosmos operates always between two. Sometimes you have asked yourselves As a Universe can produce foldings in another one? This opposite effect produces the IMAGINARY MASS. Or they will be asked As it is possible that the electrons of an atom of Krypton behave in the B.I and in Or. of so peculiar form? They are the subparticles of Imaginary Mass those that from the “another side” of the border exert that “action”.
Only when that Mass, is not in its “status” of minimum energy (V = ∞), is exerted, intercosmic action (when it exactly reaches the speed of the light in the Cosmos where she is inserted, its associate energy would reach an infinite value (thing that in the reality, never happens).
The opposite effect IYODUHU (B.I.) is still more complex that the derivative of the intercosmic action. BAA IYOODUHU was considered formerly like an atom network of Krypton able to receive Information and to engramar filogénicos landlords of alive beings.
Obvious B.I is not only one very small atom cloud of Krypton (86 by each group of genes), but a symbiosis between this network of I.U and the B.B . Each pair of atoms of Krypton has a specific function.
One of them codifies .info rmación that on the ortogénesis of the alive beings is printed in the WAAM. In other words, it codifies the possible vegetable landlords, bioelementales animal and beings.
The remaining atom of the pair catches information of means. This information, comes sent from a small mass of intracellular or citoplásmica water, and also to intronuclear. In other words, they are water molecules those that catch wave trains of diverse lengths. Not only those of compatible frequency with the dimensions of the molecule, but metric wavelengths. Second source of information is biomoléculas and chemical trace elements that are introduced through the cellular membrane.
This same atom has (another one) second function. Quantum jumps in this atom, alter to the metabolism of the nucleus, ionizing the water of the nucleus and altering therefore the code of the genome, producing in the sequence of nucleotides that form the DNA chain, controlled mutations.
We see that the genome of a unit of the species, is put under several types of influence: Produced wild mutations perhaps by an ionizing radiation of outer origin, or by a viral specimen, or a mutagénicas molecule set. This in the first place.
In these cases, the new phenotype normally is regressive, and the individual dies when not being able to support the aggressive pressure of ecological means. (Naturally one is teratoformes individuals).
On the other hand, MUTATIONS directed ortogenéticamente by B.I., give rise to a range restricted of progressive phenotypes, more resistant to means, because it is beings more evolved (index neguentropía: positive).
Although naturally rare, the mutations of first order: the savages, also can be positive. But this modulation of B.B would not exist, the evolution of the alive beings in a biosphere, would take many thousands of million years in being developed, being based only on chance laws, as they postulate certain geneticists of OYAAGAA (Earth).
While WE LIVE we are DEAD. That is the conclusion at that we have arrived. During our existential stage, still being free, we participated very in restricted form in the Universe. We are only receiving of a fraction of knowledge that our immediate surroundings offer to us.
We think of us being independent beings and we are mere instruments of the WAAM-WAAM. Our function is the one to serve as observant EYES that scrutinize a fraction of the Universe.
But when dying, it is released to us of this heavy slavery. We integrated ourselves in the WAAM, we participated totally in the BRAIN OF the COSMOS. We will live thus, in fullness of the WOA intelligence.
When Jesus de Tierra promises the eternal life to them, that is the sense that is to grant to their divine words.
Now you will be able to include/understand all the greatness of UUAA (Ley Moral) dictated by God.
Cuando violamos una norma DIVINA , lo hacemos en función de una actitud entrópica .
When we violate a DIVINE norm we do, it based on an entropic attitude. All social sin, all lack against which you denominate Charity (love), dissolves in major or minor degree the coordination of a Social Network. If I cause damage brother, can bring about an inhibition of his observant functions, am contributing in certain level to delay the Plan of pick up of WAAM information , that is to say, CONTRIBUTING TO CREATE ENTROPY, DISORDER, delaying the progress of pluriuniverso.
A Cosmic principle exists: the one of minimum energy. Two tremendous tendencies fight to each other within the Cosmos
The universal flow of entropy DRAGS TO the PLURIUNTVERSO TO the total DEATH, until all the mass singularities become radiation energy. But against her neguentropía fights. Apparently this is weaker (the neguentrópicos surroundings of the Universe are like islitas in a sea of fluyente entropy). But we have seen that it is an illusion, because in WAAM a multiplication effect takes place. SMALL FLOWS of INFORMATION modulate GREAT IMAGINARY MASS FLOWS, enormous energy, in the same way that a weak current in a transistor, controls a high intensity of electrons.
The sin committed by you against the society, the violation of the social law, can bring about serious upheavals in the WAAM-WAAM. For that reason the divine UMMOWOA speaks to us of the RAGE of Dios (WOA).
TAAU 357
“Ah del that it does not love; and it breaks the moral law! (UUAA), because the WOA anger will be translated in abandonment when their OEMMII dies. If you disturb your brother, you are bringing about an immense damage to the Universe. You are damaging noticeably the generative work of WOA”.
The economy principle entropy us makes egoistic neglecting with respect to the love that we must to our resemblances.
When Jesus speaks to them to you of the Devil, this “he exists”. Although you have interpreted his image of a metaphorical or poetic form. The Devil is in fact “tempting”. It represents the Entropy. It is the absolute evil, the destruction. Hell is not another thing that the radiation death of low energy that takes place in a WAAM that perishes when the entropy wins to the influences of Imaginary Mass brought about by WAAM. That Cosmos (if it is of critical mass), dissolves in a cosmic crystal.
The responsible Souls will be congealed for always in an eternal solipsismo, prevailed for always integrating itself in WAAM Are difficult that this happens, but are theoretically possible.
Now you will include because we considered that LOVE is a concept that stops we extends the purely ethical and humanistic values, to become an integrated concept of right plenary session in Science.
Demon, hell, evil… are for you mythical concepts, or started at least of the context of the Theology.
You of a so incorrect form have used them, personifying them so ingenuously that they are irrelevant for many OEMII. But we, although did not denominate them of the same form, know that they reach an important value in WAAM TOA (History of Cosmology).
That one among you whom the UUAA violates, deserves the sentence of all the OEMMII of the WAAM-WAAM, because it is harming to US seriously.
(Note U-C: Probably AOXIBOO 3 son of IRAA 6)